Wow another week has rolled around! I'm learning that the less I think about how long I have to go the faster the weeks go by. This has been a pretty great week. I seriously stayed in the house for six days straight and actually wasn't too bothered by it ! I've been so tired and I have insomnia at night so I take lots of cat naps and stretches during the day. I will say that yesterday I had a really great time hanging with my mom for her birthday. We went to eat at Red Lobster for their endless shrimp (pregnant lady's dream)! It was soo good and I haven't had Red Lobster for what seems like forever. Then we did a little shopping to walk off the food. It was great just hanging with her. I have noticed that I'm not as quick at moving or walking for that matter. I officially move slow and probably waddle a bit lol!
Survey Time!
How far along?: 25 weeks
How big is baby?: Big as an Eggplant! 1.7 lb, 9 in
Stretch marks?: Still there and not going belly is more itchy which is normal due to stretching
Maternity clothes?: Sweats, jammies and some maternity tops
Sleep?: Seems as this is getting more uncomfortable each week! My hips start hurting after a while from sleeping on my side
Best moment this week?: I think Gumdrop officially has hiccups! It's soo cute (but I hear it can get annoying really fast). Their like kicks but to a beat and more rhythmic and not as forceful. Aww practice breathing practice baby!
Food cravings?: So I hadn't been to big on sweets but hubby wanted an Apple Pie so ever since this came into the house this week I've been chowing on this with French Vanilla Ice Cream!!
Gender?: Boy!!!
Movement?: Yes and he's beginning to get a routine!
Belly button?: In
What I miss?: Sleeping on my belly!
Labor signs?: No...and stay away for a while!
What I'm looking forward to?: The Grandmothers (who call themselves the 3G's ha!) are getting together Saturday at my place to discuss planning the baby shower. I'm soo excited!
Milestone?: Just making it one more week closer to my EDD!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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