Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Survey!

Well the week started off on a bit of a scary note but as you can see in my earlier posts everything turned out just fine. Thanks to everyone who left kind comments of  well wishes and prayers...I appreciate you! Now for the survey!

How far along?: 22 weeks; slowly but surely creeping up that hill!

How big is baby?: Big as a Squash! 1 lb, 8 in (according to the ultrasound tech)

Stretch marks?: Not any from the pregnancy (like that makes me feel any better)- I have been using tummy butter on them from Palmer's. I've noticed that I've been way itchy in the 2nd tri !

Maternity clothes?: Oh yeah! The basics as usual
Sleep?: This week hasn't gotten any better. I wake up early and eat, mid morning nap that seems to last all day, up all night and do it all over again. I have no schedule since I'm a SAHM2B

Best moment this week?:  After the initial scare Monday getting to see Gumdrop at the ultrasound and seeing him trying to suck his little thumb!

Food cravings?: Dh went to Kroger and got me some Nestle Chocolate Chip and Walnut cookies..I die!

Gender?: Boy!!!

Movement?: Yes I think he has a sleeping routine now but I feel him daily.

Belly button?: In

What I miss?: Still the wine and oh ham sandwiches! It's been too many listeria cases out lately! So no sammies until I deliver!

Labor signs?: No...and stay away for a while!

What I'm looking forward to?: Hitting the six month mark and getting a more prominent bump ( is that crazy?)

Milestone?: Gumdrop practicing breathing already!

Speaking of bumps here's me at 19 wks on my 24th Birthday (I feel soo old)

Have a great weekend!!!

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